论文  Papers

  1. Guo, W., Wei, Y. *, Discrete element modeling on nanoindentation creep behavior of C-S-H under Berkovich and flat-tip indenters, Cement and Concrete Research, 2025, 190,107808.
  2. Yan, Ch., and Wei, Y.*, Methodology for computing dynamic response of JPCP subject to moving axle load considering combined effects from pavement roughness and temperature curling, ASCE’s Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements, DOI: 10.1061/JPEODX/PVENG-1582.
  3. Liu, Y., Wei, Y.*, He, W., Huang, T., and Li, Ch, Creep behavior of internally-cured UHPC with calcined bauxite aggregate or lightweight aggregate, ASCE’s Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, XXXX.
  4. Liu, Y., Wei, Y.*, He, W., Huang, T., and Li, Ch, A state-of-the-art review of research on the use of calcined bauxite aggregate in civil engineering, Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2025, 22: e04188.
  5. Yan, Ch., and Wei, Y.*, A methodology for detecting loss of support under PCC pavement based on real-time structural acceleration response, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, DOI: 10.1142/S0219455426500495.
  6. Yan, Ch., and Wei, Y.*, A novel real-time structural acceleration-based methodology for detecting support loss under PCC pavement subjected to vehicle loading, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2024, 25 (1), 2434914.
  7. Liu, Ch., and Wei, Y. *, Coupling performance of the interface between sensor and concrete by the double shear method, Materials and Structures, 2024, 57:201.
  8. Jiang, X., Huang, W.*, Luo, S., Wei, Y., Kong, W., and Du, K., Numerical analysis of the effects of subgrade settlement on top-down cracking in epoxy asphalt pavement, Science China Technological Sciences, 2024, 67, 3308-3320.
  9. Song, G., Zou, N., Wei, Y., Aili, A., Liang, S.*, Numerical investigation into the influence of interfacial transition zone on elastic modulus, creep, shrinkage of concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 447, 138112.
  10. Huang, W., Kong, W., Xiao, H., Qiu, F., Wei, Y. *,A parameterized modeling method for analyzing welding residual stress in orthotropic steel deck, Advances in Engineering Software, 2024, 197, 103764.
  11. Yang, S., Wei, Y., Ye, Z., Liu, H., Yang, B., Liu, W., and Wang, L.*, Characterization and modeling of textured cement concrete pavement surfaces for tire-pavement noise prediction, Applied Acoustics, 2025, 227, 110183.
  12. Liang, S., Song, G., Luo, Y., and Wei, Y. *, Experimental and numerical simulation studies of electrical resistance of cementitious materials under varying temperature history, Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 439, 137371.
  13. Guan, D., Pan, T., Guo, R.*, Wei, Y.*, Qi, R., Fu, C., Zhang, Z., and Zhu, Y., Fractal and multifractal analysis of microscopic pore structure of UHPC matrix modified with nano silica, Fractal and Fractional, 2024, 8, 360, 1-20.
  14. Cui, Y., Wei, Y. *, Effect of pore structure on the ionic thermoelectric effect of pure cement paste, Ceramics International, 2024, 50, 26558-26586.
  15. Chu, C., Wang, L, Wei, Y. *, Development of a method for assessing metrological traceability in 3D pavement texture measurements, ASCE’s Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements, 04024036-1-8.
  16. Liu, Ch., Kong, L., and Wei, Y. *, Synergistic design of mechanical properties between implantable sensor and concrete based on three-dimensional refined numerical model, Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 426, 136126.
  17. Liu, Ch., and Wei, Y. *, Experimental investigation on damage of concrete beam embedded with sensor using acoustic emission and digital image correlation, Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 423, 135887.
  18. Ye, Zh., Wei, Y., Yang, S., Li, P., Yang, F., Yang, B., Wang, L.* IoT-enhanced smart road infrastructure systems for comprehensive real-tie monitoring, Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, 2024, 4, 235-249.
  19. Liu, Y., Wang, L., Wei, Y. *, Sun, Ch., and Xu, Y., Current research status of UHPC creep properties and the corresponding application: A review, Construction and Building Materials, 416 (2024) 135120.
  20. Guo, W., Wei, Y. *, Investigation of compressive creep of calcium-silicate-hydrates (C-S-H) in hardened cement paste through micropillar testing, Cement and Concrete Research, 2024, 177 (107427).
  21. Kong, W., Huang, W.*, Wei, Y. Numerical study on welding residual stress by double-sided submerged arc welding for orthotropic steel deck. Engineering Structures, 2024, 302, 117445.
  22. Yan, Ch., Wei, Y. * Response Analysis of JPCP with Different Roughness Levels under Moving Axle Load Using a Numerical Methodology, Applied Science, 2023, 13, 11046.
  23. Wei, Y. *, Guo, W., Ma, L., Liu, Y., and Yang, B. Materials, structure, and construction of a low-shrinkage UHPC overlay on concrete bridge deck, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 406, 133353.
  24. Kong, W., Huang, W.*, Liu,X., Wei, Y. Experimental and numerical study on welding temperature field by double-sided submerged arc welding for orthotropic steel deck. Structures, 2023, 56, 104943.
  25. Liang, S., Song, G., Du, H., Li, X., Liu, J., and Wei, Y. *, Mesoscale FE analysis of thermal conductivity of steel fiber-reinforced cementitious materials considering fiber-matrix interface and pore effects, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2023, 142, 105194.
  26. Chu, C., Wei, Y. *, and Wang, H. Improved 3D pavement texture reconstruction method based on interference fringe via optimizing the post-processing method, Sensors, 2023, 23, 4660.
  27. Guo, W., Wei, Y. *, Ma, L., Liu, Y., and Guo, R. Effect of Grouped L-shape Rebar Connectors on the Shrinkage Behavior of UHPC Overlay Cast on Hardened NSC Substrate, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 382, 131319.
  28. Kong, W., Huang, W.*, Guo, W., Wei, Y. Modification of MEPDG rutting model based on RIOHTrack data. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2023, 24 (1), 2201500.
  29. Ye, Zh., Wei, Y., Yang, B., Wang, L.* Performance testing of micro-electromechanical acceleration sensors for pavement vibration monitoring, Micromachines, 2023, 14, 153.
  30. Wei, Y. *, Cui, Y., Wang, Y., Ionic thermoelectric effect of pure cement paste and its temperature sensing performance, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 364, 129898.
  31. Liang, S., Du, H., Liu, Y., Liu, J., and Wei, Y. *, Experimental study and mesoscale finite element modeling of elastic modulus and flexural creep of steel fiber-reinforced mortar, Construction and Building Materials, 363 (2023) 129875.
  32. Huang, Wei., Liu, Ch., Guo, W., Wei, Y. *, A Surface Texture Prediction Model Based on RIOHTrack Asphalt Pavement, Applied Science, 2022, 12, 10539.
  33. Liu, Y., Wei, Y. *, Ma, L., Wang, L., Restrained shrinkage behavior of internally-cured UHPC using calcined bauxite aggregate in the ring test and UHPC-concrete composite slab, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2022, 23 (11), 22073-83.
  34. Guo, W., Wei, Y. *, Ma, L., Shrinkage-induced warping of UHPC overlay cast on hardened NSC substrate under various conditions, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2022, 134 (104772).
  35. Liu, Ch., Wei, Y. *, Experimental study on interface performance between implantable cement-based sensor and matrix concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 354 (2022) 128316.
  36. Zheng, Q.*, Hou, Y.*, Yang, H., Tan, P., Shi, H., Xu, Z., Ye, Z., Chen, N., Qu, X., Han, X., Zou, Y., Cui, X., Yao, H., Chen, Y., Yao, W., Zhang, J., Chen, Y., Liang, J., Gu, X., Wang, D., Wei, Y., Xue, J., Jing, B., Wang, L.*, Li, Z.* and Wang, Z. Towards a sustainable monitoring: a self-powered smart transportation infrastructure skin. Nano Energy, 98: (2022) 107245.
  37. Ye, Zh., Wei, Y., Wang, W., Wang, L.* An efficient real-time vehicle monitoring method, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3150224.
  38. Cui, Y., Wei, Y. *, Mixed “ionic-electronic” thermoelectric effect of reduced graphene oxide reinforced cement-based composites, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2022, 128 (104442).
  39. Liu, Y., Wei, Y. *, Drop-weight impact resistance of ultra-high performance concrete and the corresponding statistical analysis, ASCE’s Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2022, 34(1): 04021409.
  40. Liu, Y., Wei, Y. *, Internal curing efficiency and key properties of UHPC influenced by dry or prewetted calcined bauxite aggregate with different particle size, Construction and Building Materials, 312 (2021) 125406.
  41. Ye, Zh., Wei, Y., Li, J., Yan, G., and Wang, L.*, A prototype wireless pavement vibration monitoring system based on the Internet of Things, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering
  42. Guo, W., Huang, X., Zhao, L., & Wei, Y.* . Transverse Cracking of Concrete Base Plate in CRTS III Ballastless Track Structure: Effects of Environmental Boundary Conditions. Applied Sciences, 11(21), 10400.
  43. Wang, H., Ma, J., Yang, H., Sun, F., Wei, Y., and Wang, L. *, Development of three-dimensional pavement texture measurement technique using surface structured light projection, Measurement, 185 (2021) 110003.
  44. Liu, Y., Wei, Y.* Abrasion resistance of ultra-high performance concrete with coarse aggregate. Materials and Structures,2021, 54157. https://doi.org/10.1617/s11527-021-01750-6
  45. Yang, H., Wei, Y., Zhang, W., Ai, Y., Ye, Zh., and Wang, L. *, Development of piezoelectric energy harvester system through optimizing multiple structural parameters, Sensors, 2021, 21 (2876), DOI 10.3390/s21082876.
  46. Ye, Zh., Yan, G., Wei, Y., Xiao, Y., Zhou, B., Li, N. and Wang, L.*, Real-time and efficient traffic information acquisition via pavement vibration IoT monitoring system, Sensors, 2021, 21 (8), https://doi.org/10.3390/s21082679.
  47. Yan, Ch., Wei, Y.*, Xiao, Y., and Wang, L., Pavement 3D data denoising algorithm based on gridded ellipsoid detection, Sensors, 2021, 21 (2310), DOI10.3390/s21072310.
  48. Wei, Y.*, Kong, W., and Wang, Y., Strengthening mechanism of fracture properties by nano materials for cementitious materials subject to early-age frost attack, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2021, 119 (104025).
  49. Liu, Y., Wei, Y. *, Effect of calcined bauxite powder or aggregate on the shrinkage properties of UHPC, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2021, 118: 103967.
  50. Wei, Y.*, Xiao, Y., Yan, C., and Wang, L., Methodology for quantifying features of early-age concrete cracking from laser scanned 3D data, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,  2021, 33(7)
  51. Wei Y*, Kong W, Wang Y, Sha A. Multifunctional application of nanoscratch technique to characterize cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Research, 2020, 140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconres.2020.106318
  52. Chen L*, Qian Z, Chen D, Wei Y, Feasibility Evaluation of a Long-Life Asphalt Pavement for Steel Bridge Deck, Advances in Civil Engineering, vol. 2020, Article ID 5890945, 8 pages, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/5890945
  53. Kong W, Wei Y*, Wang Y, Sha A. (2020). Development of micro and macro fracture properties of cementitious materials exposed to freeze-thaw environment at early ages. Construction and Building Materials, 121502. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.121502
  54. Liang S, Wei Y*. Imperfect Interface Effect on Creep Property of Hardened-Cement Pastes: Investigations from Nano to Micro Scales[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020, 32(7): 4020173. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0003238.
  55. Chen L*, Qian Z, Chen D, Wei Y, Feasibility Evaluation of a Long-Life Asphalt Pavement for Steel Bridge Deck, Advances in Civil Engineering, vol. 2020, Article ID 5890945, 8 pages, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/5890945
  56. Yang Z, Wei Y, Wang L*, Modelling and Characterizing the Adhesion of Parallel-Grooved Interface between Concrete Lining Structure and Geopolymer by Wedge Splitting Method, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2020,https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/2507062
  57. Huang, W., Liang, S., Wei, Y*. Surface deflection-based reliability analysis of asphalt pavement design. Sci. China Technol. Sci. 63, 1824–1836 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11431-019-1480-8
  58. Kong, W, Wei, Y*, Wang, S, Chen J, Wang Y. Research Progress on Cement-Based Materials by X-Ray Computed Tomography[J]. International Journal of Pavement Research & Technology, 2020, 13(4): 366–375. DOI:10.1007/s42947-020-0119-8
  59. Chen, L., Qian, Zh.*, Chen, D., Wei, Y. Feasibility Evaluation of a Long-Life Asphalt Pavement for Steel Bridge Deck[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2020, 2020: 1–8. DOI:10.1155/2020/5890945.
  60. Liang, S., Wei, Y.*. Effects of Water-to-Cement Ratio and Curing Age on Microscopic Creep and Creep Recovery of Hardened Cement Pastes by Microindentation[J]. Cement & Concrete Composites, 2020, 113: 103619. DOI:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2020.103619.
  61. Huang, W., Pei, M., Liu, X., Yan, Ch, and Wei, Y.*, Nonlinear Optimization of Orthotropic Steel Deck System Based on Response Surface Methodology, Research, Doi: 10.34133/2020/1303672.
  62. Liang, S., Wei, Y.*, Imperfect interface effect on creep property of hardened cement pastes: Investigation from nano to micro scales, ASCE’s Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020, 32(7): 04020173.
  63. Huang, W., Liang, S., Wei, Y.*, Surface deflection-based reliability analysis of asphalt pavement design, Science China Technological Science, 2020, 63, 1-13 doi.org/10.1007/s11431-019-1480-8.
  64. Liang, S., Wei, Y.*, New insights into creep and creep recovery of hardened cement paste at micro scale, Construction and Building Materials, 2020, (248), 118724.
  65. Huang, W., Pei, M., Liu, X. and Wei, Y.*, Design and construction of super-long span bridges in China: Review and future perspectives, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2020, 14(4): 803–838. DOI:10.1007/s11709-020-0644-1.
  66. Huang, W., Liang, S., Wei, Y. Surface deflection-based reliability analysis of asphalt pavement design, Science China Technological Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11431-019-1480-8
  67. Wu, Z., Wei, Y.*, Wang, S., Chen, J., Wang, Y. Application of X-ray micro-CT for quantifying degree of hydration of slag-blended cement paste. ASCE’s Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020, 32(3): 04020008.
  68. Huang, W., Guo, W., Wei, Y.*, Prediction of paving performance for epoxy asphalt mixture by its time and time-dependent properties, ASCE’s Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020, 32(3):04020017-1-12.
  69. Wei Y*, Guo W, Wu Z, Gao X, Computed permeability for cement paste subject to freeze-thaw cycles at early ages, Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 224, 118298.
  70. Wei Y*, Guo W, Zhang Q. A model for predicting evaporation from fresh concrete surface during the plastic stage. Drying Technology, 2019: 1-11.
  71. Liang S, Wei Y*, Gao X, et al. Effect of epoxy impregnation on characterizing microstructure and micromechanical properties of concrete by different techniques. Journal of Materials Science, 1-16.
  72. Liang S, Wei Y*. Biaxial creep of high-strength concrete at early ages assessed from restrained ring test. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2019, 104: 103421.
  73. Wu, Z., Wei, Y.*, Wang, S., Chen, J., Wang, Y. Application of X-ray micro-CT for quantifying degree of hydration of slag-blended cement paste. ASCE’s Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020, 32(3): 4020008. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0003082.
  74. Huang, W., Guo, W., Wei, Y.*, Prediction of paving performance for epoxy asphalt mixture by its time and time-dependent properties, ASCE’s Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,2020, 32(3): 04020017. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0003060.
  75. Xiao Y, Wei Y*, Yan C, et al. A new data preprocessing method for 3D reconstruction of pavement. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2019: 1-15.
  76. Wei Y*, Kong W K, Wan C, et al. The Colorimetry Method in Assessing Fire-Damaged Concrete. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 2019, 17(6): 282-294.
  77. Huang W, Guo W, Wei Y*. Thermal Effect on Rheological Properties of Epoxy Asphalt Mixture and Stress Prediction for Bridge Deck Paving. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2019, 31(10): 04019222.
  78. Wei Y*, Liang S, Huang J. Concrete Creep Modeling: Application to Slabs on Ground. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2019, 145(10): 04019078.
  79. Wei Y*, Wu Z, Yao X, et al. Quantifying Effect of Later Curing on Pores of Paste Subject to Early-Age Freeze-Thaw Cycles by Different Techniques. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2019, 31(8): 04019153.
  80. Wei Y*, Huang J, Liang S. Measurement and modeling concrete creep considering relative humidity effect. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2019: 1-17.
  81. Liang S, Wei Y*. Methodology of obtaining intrinsic creep property of concrete by flexural deflection test. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2019, 97: 288-299.
  82. Wei Y*, Gao X, Wang F, et al. Nonlinear strain distribution in a field-instrumented concrete pavement slab in response to environmental effects. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2019, 20(2): 367-380.
  83. Wei Y*, Wu Z, Huang J, et al. Comparison of Compressive, Tensile, and Flexural Creep of Early-Age Concretes under Sealed and Drying Conditions. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2018, 30(11): 04018289.
  84. Wei Y*, Liang S, Gao X, et al. Design and construction of low-volume concrete road: experiences from China. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2018: 1-18.
  85. Liang S, Wei Y*, Wu Z, et al. Performance evaluation of concrete pavement slab considering creep effect by finite element analysis. Transportation Research Record, 2018, 2672(27): 65-77.
  86. Gao, X., Wei, Y.*, Huang, W., Critical aspects of scanning probe microscope mapping when applied to cement pastes, Advances in Cement Research, 2018, 30(7): 293-304, 2018.
  87. Wei Y*, Gao X, Wang F, et al. Nonlinear strain distribution in a field-instrumented concrete pavement slab in response to environmental effects. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2019, 20(2): 367-380.
  88. Liang, S., Wei, Y.*, Modeling of creep effect on moisture warping and stress developments in concrete pavement slabs, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2018, 19(5): 425-438.
  89. Wei, Y.*, Gao, X., and Liang, S., A combined SPM/NI/EDS method to quantify properties of inner and outer C-S-H in OPC and slag-blended cement pastes, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2018, (85), 56-66.
  90. Wei, Y.*, Guo, W., Liang, S., Chloride ingress in internally cured concrete under complex solution, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2018, 30 (4): 04018037-1-10.
  91. Liang, S., Wei, Y.*, Wu, Z., Multiscale modeling elastic properties of cement-based materials considering imperfect interface effect, Construction and Building Materials, 2017, (154), 567-579.
  92. Wei, Y.*, Liang, S., Guo, W. Hansen, W., Stress prediction in very early-age concrete subject to restraint under varying temperature histories, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2017, (83), 45-56.
  93. Gao, X., Wei, Y.*, Huang, W., Effect of individual phases on multiscale modeling mechanical properties of hardened cement paste, Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 153, 25-35.
  94. Liang, S., Wei, Y.*, Gao, X., Strain-rate sensitivity of cement paste by microindentation continuous stiffness measurement: implication to isotache approach for creep modeling, Cement and Concrete Research, 2017, (100), 84-95.
  95. Wei, Y.*, Liang, S., Gao, X., Phase quantification in cementitious materials by dynamic modulus mapping, Materials Characterization, 2017, (127), 348-356.
  96. Wei, Y.*, Liang, S., Gao, X., Indentation creep of cementitious materials: experimental investigation from nano to micro length scales, Construction and Building Materials, 2017, (143), 222-233.
  97. Wei, Y.*, Wang, F., Gao, X., and Zhong, Y., Microstructure and fatigue performance of polyurethane grout materials under compression, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2017, 29(9), 04017101-1 – 8.
  98. Wei, Y.*, Liang, S., Guo, W., Decoupling of autogenous shrinkage and tensile creep strain in high strength concrete at early ages, Experimental Mechanics, 2017, 57(3), 475-485.
  99. Wei, Y.*, Liang, S., Gao, X., Numerical evaluation of moisture warping and stress in concrete pavement slabs with different water-to-cement ratio and thickness, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2017, 143(2): 04016111-1-9.
  100. Gao, X., Wei, Y.*, Huang, W. , Strain-based Equivalent Temperature Gradient in Concrete Pavement and Comparison with other Quantification Methods, Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2017, 18(6): 1460-1472.
  101. Wei, Y.*, Guo, W., and Liang, S., Microprestress-solidification Theory-Based Tensile Creep Modeling of Early-age Concrete: Considering Temperature and Relative Humidity Effects, Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 127: 618-626.
  102. Wei, Y.*, Gao, X., Liang, S., Nanoindentation-based study of the Micro-mechanical Properties, Structure, and Hydration Degree of Slag-blended Cementitious Materials, Journal of Materials Science, 2016, 51(7): 3349-3361.
  103. Wei, Y. *, Guo, W., Zheng, X., Integrated Shrinkage, Relative Humidity, Strength Development and Cracking Potential of Internally Cured Concrete Exposed to Different Drying Conditions, Drying Technology, 2016, 34(7): 741-752.
  104. Wei, Y. *, Wang, Y., Gao, X., Effect of Internal Curing on Moisture Gradient Distribution and Deformation of Concrete Pavement Slab Containing Pre-wetted Lightweight Fine Aggregates, Drying Technology, 2015, 33(3): 355-364.
  105. Wei, Y.*, Gao, X., Zhang, Q., Evaluating Performance of Concrete Pavement Joint Repair using Different Materials to Reduce Reflective Cracking in AC Overlay, Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2014, 15(4): 966-976.
  106. Wei, Y.*, Hansen, W., Closure to the Discussion of “Tensile Creep Behavior of Concrete Subject to Constant Restraint at Very Early Ages”, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2014, 26(10): 07014004-1-3.
  107. Wei, Y.*, Xiang, Y., Zhang, Q., Internal Curing Efficiency of Pre-wetted Lightweight Fine Aggregate on Concrete Humidity and Autogenous Shrinkage Development, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2014, 26(5): 947-954.
  108. Yao, X., Wei, Y.*, Design and Verification of a Testing System for Strength, Modulus, and Creep of Concrete subject to Tension under Controlled Temperature and Humidity Conditions, Construction and Building Materials, 2014, 53: 448-454.
  109. Wei, Y.*, Hansen, W., Characterizing Cracking Potential of Cementitious Mixtures Based on Shrinkage and Humidity Drop Rate, ACI Materials Journal, 2013, 110(4): 433-440.
  110. Wei, Y.*, Hansen, W., Tensile Creep Behavior of Concrete Subject to Constant Restraint at Very Early Ages, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2013, 25(9): 1277-1284.
  111. Wei, Y.*, Zhang, Q., Xiang, Y., Wang, D., Salt Scaling Resistance of Highway Concrete Containing Pre-wetted Lightweight Fine Aggregate as Internal Curing Agents, Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2013, 14(2): 360-371.
  112. Wei, Y.*, Hansen, W., Early-age Strain-stress Relationship and Cracking Behavior of Slag Cement Mixtures subject to Constant Uniaxial Restraint, Construction and Building Materials, 2013, 49: 635-642.
  113. Wei, Y.*, Gao, X., Hansen, W., Influential Depth by Water Absorption and Surface Drying in Concrete Slabs, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2013, 2342: 76-82.
  114. Wei, Y.*, Hansen, W., Characterization of Moisture Transport and Its Effect on Deformations in Jointed Concrete Pavement, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2011, 2240: 9-15.
  115. Wei, Y.*, Hansen, W., Biernacki, J. J., Schlangen, E., Unified Shrinkage Model for Concrete from Autogenous Shrinkage Test on Paste with and without GGBFS, ACI Materials Journal, 2011, 108(1): 13-20.
  1. 崔一纬,魏亚*.水泥基复合材料热电效应综述:机制、材料、影响因素及应用[J].复合材料学报,2020,37(09):2077-2093.
  2. Wang, L., Tong, X., Yang, H., Wei, Y., and Miao, Y., Design and analysis of a hollow triangular piezoelectric cantilever beam harvester for vibration energy collection. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology. 2019 (12): 259-268.
  3. 吴泽弘,魏亚*.基于CT扫描技术的水泥净浆微观结构及水化程度,复合材料学报,2020,37(04):971-977.
  4. 魏亚*,肖庸,闫闯,刘亚林,汪林兵.基于点云预处理的路面三维重构数据优化,吉林大学学报(工学版),2020,50(03):987-997.
  5. 吴泽弘,魏亚*,杨敏,姚晓飞. X射线CT技术在矿渣-水泥复合体系水化度量化中的应用,硅酸盐学报2018, 46 (11): 1622-1631.
  6. 魏亚*,高翔,梁思明. 用动态模量成像与纳米压痕技术对硬化水泥浆体水化产物的识别与表征,硅酸盐学报,2018, 46 (8): 1043-1053.
  7. Yang, H., Wang, L.*, Zhou, B., Wei, Y., and Zhao, Q., A preliminary study on the highway piezoelectric power supply system, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 2018, 11: 168-175.
  8. Wei, Y.*, Liang, S., and Gao, X., Simulation of porosity effect on mechanical and creep properties of cement paste at microscale, Poromechanics VI, 1099-1107, 6th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, 2017, Jul. 9-13, Paris, France.
  9. 魏亚*,梁思明,吴泽泓. 徐变对水泥路面板湿度翘曲及应力影响研究.工程力学. 2017, 34 (10): 106-115.
  10. 魏亚*,万成,左勇志,马德云.红外热像法与超声回弹法检测受火混凝土损伤.建筑材料学报,2018,21(01):131-137.
  11. 魏亚*,梁思明,高翔.基于土体isotache模型的硬化水泥净浆微观徐变预测.复合材料学报,2018,35(06):1609-1618.
  12. 魏亚*,梁思明,高翔,应变率对硬化水泥净浆微观力学性能及徐变行为影响,硅酸盐学报,2017,45(11): 1605-1612.
  13. 高翔,魏亚,黄卫.跨尺度模拟硬化水泥净浆力学性能:微观物相的影响.复合材料学报,2018,35(05):1339-1348.
  14. 魏亚*,梁思明,郭为强. 基于水化度和约束状态下拉伸徐变特征的早龄期混凝土结构内应力预测. 建筑结构学报. 2016, 37(10): 020.
  15. 魏亚*,高翔,梁思明. 硬化水泥净浆基于纳米压痕的相态识别与水化程度计算. 复合材料学报. 2017, 34 (5): 1123-1129.
  16. 高翔,魏亚*,王复明,钟燕辉. 聚氨酯注浆材料在循环压缩加载下疲劳性能与微观结构演化. 复合材料学报. 2017, 34(3): 82-88.
  17. 高翔,黄卫*,魏亚,钟燕辉. 聚氨酯高聚物注浆材料的抗压强度测试与模拟. 复合材料学报. 2017, 34(2): 438-445.
  18. 郭为强,魏亚*,基于微预应力-固结理论的早龄期混凝土高温拉伸徐变试验与模拟. 工程力学. 2017, 34 (3) 197-203.
  19. 高翔,魏亚*,黄卫. 基于动态模量成像的硬化水泥浆体微观物相的识别. 材料研究学报. 2016, 30 (5): 321-328.
  20. 梁思明,魏亚*. 硬化水泥净浆微观结构特征对微观徐变及力学性能影响. 硅酸盐学报. 2016, 44(2): 217-224.
  21. 魏亚*,郑小波,郭为强. 干燥环境下内养护混凝土收缩、强度及开裂性能. 建筑材料学报. 2016, 19(5): 902-908.
  22. 梁思明,魏亚*. 基于水化程度的早龄期混凝土拉伸徐变模型研究. 工程力学. 2016, 33(1): 171-177.
  23. 张倩倩,魏亚*,吴德芬,何文,包鑫. 接缝修补材料对复合式路面AC层抵抗反射裂缝的试验研究. 中南大学学报. 2016, 47(1): 136-142.
  24. 魏亚*,梁思明,和昆,封基梁. 温度与荷载耦合下农村公路混凝土路面板结构尺寸优化. 工程力学. 2015, 32(7): 111-117.
  25. 张倩倩,魏亚*. 基于BSE图像的矿渣-水泥复合体系反应程度定量分析. 硅酸盐学报. 2015, 43(5): 563-569.
  26. 魏亚*,姚湘杰. 早龄期混凝土拉伸徐变实测与模型. 工程力学. 2015, 32(3): 104-109.
  27. 张倩倩,魏亚*. 水泥混凝土塑性阶段表面蒸发速率研究. 建筑材料学报. 2015, 18(1): 128-132.
  28. 魏亚*,张倩倩,向亚平. 预湿轻细骨料对混凝土内养护效率影响研究. 建筑材料学报. 2014, 17(6): 1051-1056.
  29. 魏亚*. 混凝土路面板早期开裂疲劳寿命预测. 清华大学学报. 2014, 54(8): 983-986.
  30. 魏亚*,向亚平. 轻细骨料内养护混凝土抗冻融和盐冻性能研究. 建筑材料学报. 2014, 17(5): 901-907.
  31. 高翔,魏亚*. 水泥混凝土路面板湿度梯度模拟与分析. 工程力学. 2014, 31(8): 183-188.
  32. 魏亚*,姚湘杰. 约束状态下混凝土拉伸徐变模型. 清华大学学报. 2014, 54(5): 563-567.
  33. 魏亚*,高翔. 混凝土硬化过程中的应力-应变发展和基于内部湿度的开裂风险预估. 工程力学. 2014, 31(3): 138-143.
  34. 张倩倩,魏亚*,张景硕,冯鹏. 钢纤维掺量对活性粉末混凝土的断裂性能影响. 建筑材料学报. 2014, 17(1): 25-30.
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  37. Wei, Y., Hansen, W.*, Moisture Warping in Slabs on Grade, Proceedings of the 6th RILEM Conference on Cracking in Pavements, Chicago, 2008.
  38. Hansen, W.*, Wei, Y., Schlangen, E., Moisture Warping in Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Concrete Pavement, San Francisco, 2008.
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  1. Liang, S., and Wei, Y. *, Multiscale modeling elastic properties of cement-based materials considering imperfect interface effect, 9th International Symposium on Cement and Concrete (ISCC 2017), Nov. 1-3, Wuhan, China.
  2. Gao, X., and Wei, Y. *, Field measurements on strain distribution in concrete pavement slab on ground: implication to response to environmental effect, 10th ICPT2017, Aug. 8-10, Hongkon, China.
  3. Wei, Y. *, Liang, S., and Gao, X., Simulation of porosity effect on mechanical and creep properties of cement paste at microscale, Poromechanics VI. 1099-1107. 6th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, July 9-13, Paris, France.
  4. Gao, X, Wei, Y.*, Nanoindentation Mapping of Mechanical Properties of Cement Paste Blended with Slag, Proceedings of the RILEM International Symposium on Concrete Modeling, Beijing, 2014: 227-235.
  5. Liu, Z., Hansen, W., Wei, Y., Concrete sorptivity as a performance-based criterion for salt frost scaling resistance, Proceedings of the RILEM International Symposium on Concrete Modeling, Beijing, 2014, 487-496.
  6. Sun, W.*, Wei, Y., Wang, D., Wang, L., Review of Multiscale Characterization Techniques and Multiscale Modeling Methods for Cement Concrete: from Atomistic to Continuum, in Multi-scale Modeling and Characterization of Infrastructure Materials, Proceedings of the International RILEM Symposium, 2013: 325-342.
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  10. Wei, Y., Hansen, W.*, Smiley, D., Jensen, E. Analysis of Total Effective Linear Temperature Difference from Concrete Pavement Field Measurements, Proceedings of International Conference on Long-life Concrete Pavements, 2006, Chicago.
  11. Wei, Y., Hansen, W.*, Peng, Y., Jensen E A., Analysis of Top-Down Traverse Cracking in Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement, Concrete for Transportation Infrastructure- Proceedings of the International Conference, 2005, Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom.
  1. 黄达,魏亚*,郭为强,汪林兵.考虑介损的压电陶瓷开路输出电压研究[J].压电与声光,2020,42(01):62-66+70.
  2. 李庶安; 魏亚*, 徐飞萍, 李大方, 韩兆友, 张柳煜.早龄期混凝土压缩、拉伸和弯拉基本徐变与干燥徐变比较,公路交通科技,2020,37(02):63-69.
  3. 袁英杰,郭为强,王坤林,魏亚*.预湿轻细骨料内养护混凝土微观结构与渗透性能.公路交通科技,2019,36(01):22-30.
  4. 魏亚*,梁思明,张倩倩. 水泥混凝土路面板固化温差对翘曲和应力的影响,土木建筑与环境工程. 2015, 37(1): 81-87.
  5. 郭为强,王坤林,魏亚*.内养护混凝土复合溶液下的耐酸腐蚀性能.混凝土,2017, 334: 12-16.
  6. 黄斌,魏亚*,路凯冀,汪林兵. 堆栈式压电换能器在路面振动环境中的输出效能研究. 公路交通科技. 2016, 33(8): 37-43.
  7. 郭为强,魏亚*. 水泥混凝土路面板硬化过程中温度分布实测与模拟. 公路交通科技. 2015, 32(2): 33-40.
  8. 郑小波,吴德芬,何文,包鑫,魏亚*. 内养护混凝土不同养护方式下的减缩效果及强度发展. 混凝土. 2015, 07: 52-57.
  9. 梁思明,魏亚*,张倩倩,封基梁. 路用碾压混凝土稠度与配合比研究. 混凝土. 2014, 1: 150-154.
  10. 向亚平,魏亚*,张倩倩,王栋民. 轻细骨料内养护混凝土抗压强度与模拟. 混凝土. 2013, 3: 44-47.