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Liu, Y., Wei, Y.*, He, W., Huang, T., and Li, Ch, Creep behavior of internally-cured UHPC with calcined bauxite aggregate or lightweight aggregate, ASCE’s Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, XXXX.
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Guan, D., Pan, T., Guo, R.*, Wei, Y.*, Qi, R., Fu, C., Zhang, Z., and Zhu, Y., Fractal and multifractal analysis of microscopic pore structure of UHPC matrix modified with nano silica , Fractal and Fractional, 2024, 8, 360, 1-20.
Cui, Y., Wei, Y. *, Effect of pore structure on the ionic thermoelectric effect of pure cement paste , Ceramics International, 2024, 50, 26558-26586.
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Liu, Ch., Kong, L., and Wei, Y. *, Synergistic design of mechanical properties between implantable sensor and concrete based on three-dimensional refined numerical model , Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 426, 136126.
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Yan, Ch., Wei, Y. * Response Analysis of JPCP with Different Roughness Levels under Moving Axle Load Using a Numerical Methodology , Applied Science, 2023, 13, 11046.
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Kong, W., Huang, W.*, Liu,X., Wei, Y. Experimental and numerical study on welding temperature field by double-sided submerged arc welding for orthotropic steel deck . Structures, 2023, 56, 104943.
Liang, S., Song, G., Du, H., Li, X., Liu, J., and Wei, Y. *, Mesoscale FE analysis of thermal conductivity of steel fiber-reinforced cementitious materials considering fiber-matrix interface and pore effects , Cement and Concrete Composites, 2023, 142, 105194.
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Liu, Y., Wei, Y. *, Ma, L., Wang, L., Restrained shrinkage behavior of internally-cured UHPC using calcined bauxite aggregate in the ring test and UHPC-concrete composite slab , Cement and Concrete Composites, 2022, 23 (11), 22073-83.
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Wei, Y.*, Xiao, Y., Yan, C., and Wang, L., Methodology for quantifying features of early-age concrete cracking from laser scanned 3D data , Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2021, 33(7)
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Huang, W., Guo, W., Wei, Y.*, Prediction of paving performance for epoxy asphalt mixture by its time and time-dependent properties , ASCE’s Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020, 32(3):04020017-1-12.
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Wei Y*, Huang J, Liang S. Measurement and modeling concrete creep considering relative humidity effect . Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2019: 1-17.
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Wei, Y.*, Guo, W., Liang, S., Chloride ingress in internally cured concrete under complex solution , Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2018, 30 (4): 04018037-1-10.
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