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  1. 混凝土板在湿度-应力作用下的abaqus子程序.zip (下载638)


Wei, Y.*, Huang, J., and Liang, S., Measurement and modeling concrete creep considering relative humidity effect, Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s11043-019-09414-3.
Liang, S., Wei, Y.*, Biaxial creep of high-strength concrete at early ages assessed from restrained ring test, Cement and Concrete Composites, 104, 2019.
Wei, Y.*, Liang, S., and Huang, J., Concrete creep modeling: Application to slabs on ground, ASCE’s Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2019, 145(10): 04019078.
Wei, Y.*, Liang, S., Guo, W. Hansen, W., Stress prediction in very early-age concrete subject to restraint under varying temperature histories, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2017, (83), 45-56.
Wei, Y.*, Guo, W., and Liang, S., Microprestress-solidification Theory-Based Tensile Creep Modeling of Early-age Concrete: Considering Temperature and Relative Humidity Effects, Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 127: 618-626.