梁思明 Siming Liang

2018.9- 清华大学土木系 博士后
2013.9-2018.8 清华大学 土木工程专业 博士
2009.9-2013.8 清华大学 土木工程专业 学士
[1] Liang Siming, Wei Ya, Wu Zehong, Hansen Will. Performance evaluation of concrete pavement slab considering creep effect by finite element analysis. Transportation Research Record, 2018: 0361198118772951. (SCI源刊)
[2] Liang Siming, Wei Ya. Modeling of creep effect on moisture warping and stress developments in concrete pavement slabs. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2018, 19(5): 429-438. (SCI收录,检索号:FZ9UI)
[3] Liang Siming, Wei Ya, Wu Zehong. Multiscale modeling elastic properties of cement-based materials considering imperfect interface effect. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 154:567-579.(SCI收录,检索号:FJ8ZC)
[4] Liang Siming, Wei Ya, Gao Xiang. Strain-rate sensitivity of cement paste by microindentation continuous stiffness measurement: Implication to isotache approach for creep modeling. Cement and Concrete Research, 2017, 100:84-95. (SCI收录,检索号:FH9QW)
[5] Wei Ya, Liang Siming, Gao Xiang. Indentation creep of cementitious materials: Experimental investigation from nano to micro length scales. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 143:222-233. (SCI收录,检索号:EU4ZW)
[6] Wei Ya, Liang Siming, Gao Xiang. Phase quantification in cementitious materials by dynamic modulus mapping. Materials Characterization, 2017, 127:348-356. (SCI收录,检索号:EZ6GS)
[7] Wei Ya, Liang Siming, Guo Weiqiang. Decoupling of autogenous shrinkage and tensile creep strain in high strength concrete at early ages. Experimental Mechanics, 2017, 57(3):1-11. (SCI收录,检索号:EM5TU)
[8] Wei Ya, Liang Siming, Gao Xiang. Numerical evaluation of moisture warping and stress in concrete pavement slabs with different water-to-cement ratio and thickness. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2016, 143(2):04016111. (SCI收录,检索号:EO7NQ)
[9] 魏亚, 梁思明, 高翔. 应变率对硬化水泥净浆微观力学性能及徐变行为的影响. 硅酸盐学报, 2017, 45(11): 1605-1612. (EI 收录,检索号:20180604758572)
[10] 魏亚, 梁思明, 吴泽弘. 徐变对水泥路面板湿度翘曲及应力影响研究. 工程力学, 2017, 34(10): 106-115. (EI 收录,检索号:20174604408779)
[11] 魏亚, 梁思明, 郭为强. 基于水化度和约束状态下拉伸徐变特征的早龄期混凝土内应力预测. 建筑结构学报, 2016, 37(10): 162-168. (EI 收录,检索号:20164302941218)
[12] 梁思明, 魏亚. 硬化水泥净浆微观结构对微观徐变及力学性能的影响. 硅酸盐学报, 2016, 44(2): 181-188. (EI 收录,检索号:20161502227415)
[13] 梁思明, 魏亚. 基于水化程度的早龄期混凝土拉伸徐变模型研究. 工程力学, 2016, 33(1): 171-177. (EI 收录,检索号:20160902037282)
[14] 魏亚, 梁思明, 和昆, 封基良. 温度与荷载耦合下农村公路混凝土路面板结构尺寸优化. 工程力学, 2015, 32(7): 111-117+142. (EI 收录,检索号:20153201119696)
[15] 魏亚, 梁思明, 张倩倩. 水泥混凝土路面板固化温差对翘曲和应力的影响. 土木建筑与环境工程, 2015, 37(1): 81-87. (中文核心期刊,CSCD: 5372404)
[16] 梁思明, 魏亚, 张倩倩, 封基良. 路用碾压混凝土稠度与配合比研究. 混凝土, 2014(1): 150-154. (中文核心期刊,CSCD:5046318)
[17] 魏亚, 梁思明, 高翔. 基于土体isotache模型的硬化水泥净浆微观徐变预测.(已被复合材料学报录用,EI源刊)
[18] Liang Siming, Wei Ya, Wu Zehong, Hansen Will. Performance evaluation of concrete pavement slab considering creep effect by finite element analysis. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., America, 7-11 January 7-11, 2018. (国际会议,宣讲)
[19] Wei Ya, Liang Siming, Gao Xiang. Simulation of porosity effect on mechanical and creep properties of cement paste at microscale. Poromechanics VI. 6th Biot Conference on Poromechanics,1099-1107, Paris, France, 9-13 July 2017. (国际会议,宣讲)
[20] Liang Siming, Wei Ya. Creep Effect on Moisture Warping and Stresses Developments in Concrete Pavement Slabs. Transportation Research Congress, Beijing, China, 6-8, June 2016. (国际会议,宣讲)
[21] Wei Ya, Guo Weiqiang, Liang Siming. Chloride ingress in internally cured concrete under complex solution. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2018, 30(4): 04018037. (SCI收录,检索号:FW8YM)
[22] Wei Ya, Gao Xiang, Liang Siming. A combined SPM/NI/EDS method to quantify properties of inner and outer C-S-H in OPC and slag-blended cement pastes. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2017, 85: 56-66. (SCI收录,检索号:FP6ZN)
[23] Wei Ya, Guo Weiqiang, Liang Siming. Microprestress-solidification theory-based tensile creep modeling of early-age concrete: Considering temperature and relative humidity effects. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 127: 618-626. (SCI收录,检索号:EC3SU)
[24] Wei Ya; Gao Xiang; Liang Siming. Nanoindentation-based study of the micro- mechanical properties, structure, and hydration degree of slag-blended cementitious materials. Journal of materials science, 2016, 51: 3349-3361. (SCI收录,检索号:DA8KS)
[25] 魏亚, 高翔, 梁思明. 硬化水泥净浆基于纳米压痕的相态识别与水化程度计算. 复合材料学报, 2017, 34(5): 1122-1129. (EI 收录,检索号:20173103998561)
[26] 魏亚, 梁思明. 一种水泥混凝土路面板内温度梯度测试方法. ZL 201310753239.1. (授权发明专利)
[27] 魏亚, 梁思明, 和昆. 一种基于施压振动法确定路用碾压混凝土配合比方法. ZL 201310284745.0. (授权发明专利)

Education: Doctoral candidate
Major: Civil Engineering
Degree: Doctor of Engineering
Research Direction: multi-scale study on creep and mechanical properties of cement-based materials
Email: liangsiming0624@163.com
2018.9- Department of civil engineering, Tsinghua University Postdoctor
2013.9-2018.8 Tsinghua University Civil engineering Doctor
2009.9-2013.8 Tsinghua University Civil engineering Bachelor
Second prize of excellent doctoral thesis of Tsinghua University (2018)
Academic rookie of Civil Engineering Department of Tsinghua University (2018)
Doctoral National Scholarship (2017)
Tsinghua University set up comprehensive first-class scholarship (2016)
Tsinghua University Department set up comprehensive third class scholarship (2014)
Comprehensive study on meso mechanical process and macro construction creep performance of concrete under continuous loading (National Natural Science Foundation of China)
Micro creep test and theoretical research of cement concrete (National Natural Science Foundation of China)
Research on Key Technologies of low cost and long life concrete pavement for rural roads in Yunnan Province (Yunnan Science and technology project)
Achievements in scientific research
[1] Liang Siming, Wei Ya, Wu Zehong, Hansen Will. Performance evaluation of concrete pavement slab considering creep effect by finite element analysis. Transportation Research Record, 2018: 0361198118772951. (SCI源刊)
[2] Liang Siming, Wei Ya. Modeling of creep effect on moisture warping and stress developments in concrete pavement slabs. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2018, 19(5): 429-438. (SCI收录,检索号:FZ9UI)
[3] Liang Siming, Wei Ya, Wu Zehong. Multiscale modeling elastic properties of cement-based materials considering imperfect interface effect. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 154:567-579.(SCI收录,检索号:FJ8ZC)
[4] Liang Siming, Wei Ya, Gao Xiang. Strain-rate sensitivity of cement paste by microindentation continuous stiffness measurement: Implication to isotache approach for creep modeling. Cement and Concrete Research, 2017, 100:84-95. (SCI收录,检索号:FH9QW)
[5] Wei Ya, Liang Siming, Gao Xiang. Indentation creep of cementitious materials: Experimental investigation from nano to micro length scales. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 143:222-233. (SCI收录,检索号:EU4ZW)
[6] Wei Ya, Liang Siming, Gao Xiang. Phase quantification in cementitious materials by dynamic modulus mapping. Materials Characterization, 2017, 127:348-356. (SCI收录,检索号:EZ6GS)
[7] Wei Ya, Liang Siming, Guo Weiqiang. Decoupling of autogenous shrinkage and tensile creep strain in high strength concrete at early ages. Experimental Mechanics, 2017, 57(3):1-11. (SCI收录,检索号:EM5TU)
[8] Wei Ya, Liang Siming, Gao Xiang. Numerical evaluation of moisture warping and stress in concrete pavement slabs with different water-to-cement ratio and thickness. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2016, 143(2):04016111. (SCI收录,检索号:EO7NQ)
[9] 魏亚, 梁思明, 高翔. 应变率对硬化水泥净浆微观力学性能及徐变行为的影响. 硅酸盐学报, 2017, 45(11): 1605-1612. (EI 收录,检索号:20180604758572)
[10] 魏亚, 梁思明, 吴泽弘. 徐变对水泥路面板湿度翘曲及应力影响研究. 工程力学, 2017, 34(10): 106-115. (EI 收录,检索号:20174604408779)
[11] 魏亚, 梁思明, 郭为强. 基于水化度和约束状态下拉伸徐变特征的早龄期混凝土内应力预测. 建筑结构学报, 2016, 37(10): 162-168. (EI 收录,检索号:20164302941218)
[12] 梁思明, 魏亚. 硬化水泥净浆微观结构对微观徐变及力学性能的影响. 硅酸盐学报, 2016, 44(2): 181-188. (EI 收录,检索号:20161502227415)
[13] 梁思明, 魏亚. 基于水化程度的早龄期混凝土拉伸徐变模型研究. 工程力学, 2016, 33(1): 171-177. (EI 收录,检索号:20160902037282)
[14] 魏亚, 梁思明, 和昆, 封基良. 温度与荷载耦合下农村公路混凝土路面板结构尺寸优化. 工程力学, 2015, 32(7): 111-117+142. (EI 收录,检索号:20153201119696)
[15] 魏亚, 梁思明, 张倩倩. 水泥混凝土路面板固化温差对翘曲和应力的影响. 土木建筑与环境工程, 2015, 37(1): 81-87. (中文核心期刊,CSCD: 5372404)
[16] 梁思明, 魏亚, 张倩倩, 封基良. 路用碾压混凝土稠度与配合比研究. 混凝土, 2014(1): 150-154. (中文核心期刊,CSCD:5046318)
[17] 魏亚, 梁思明, 高翔. 基于土体isotache模型的硬化水泥净浆微观徐变预测.(已被复合材料学报录用,EI源刊)
[18] Liang Siming, Wei Ya, Wu Zehong, Hansen Will. Performance evaluation of concrete pavement slab considering creep effect by finite element analysis. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., America, 7-11 January 7-11, 2018. (国际会议,宣讲)
[19] Wei Ya, Liang Siming, Gao Xiang. Simulation of porosity effect on mechanical and creep properties of cement paste at microscale. Poromechanics VI. 6th Biot Conference on Poromechanics,1099-1107, Paris, France, 9-13 July 2017. (国际会议,宣讲)
[20] Liang Siming, Wei Ya. Creep Effect on Moisture Warping and Stresses Developments in Concrete Pavement Slabs. Transportation Research Congress, Beijing, China, 6-8, June 2016. (国际会议,宣讲)
[21] Wei Ya, Guo Weiqiang, Liang Siming. Chloride ingress in internally cured concrete under complex solution. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2018, 30(4): 04018037. (SCI收录,检索号:FW8YM)
[22] Wei Ya, Gao Xiang, Liang Siming. A combined SPM/NI/EDS method to quantify properties of inner and outer C-S-H in OPC and slag-blended cement pastes. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2017, 85: 56-66. (SCI收录,检索号:FP6ZN)
[23] Wei Ya, Guo Weiqiang, Liang Siming. Microprestress-solidification theory-based tensile creep modeling of early-age concrete: Considering temperature and relative humidity effects. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 127: 618-626. (SCI收录,检索号:EC3SU)
[24] Wei Ya; Gao Xiang; Liang Siming. Nanoindentation-based study of the micro- mechanical properties, structure, and hydration degree of slag-blended cementitious materials. Journal of materials science, 2016, 51: 3349-3361. (SCI收录,检索号:DA8KS)
[25] 魏亚, 高翔, 梁思明. 硬化水泥净浆基于纳米压痕的相态识别与水化程度计算. 复合材料学报, 2017, 34(5): 1122-1129. (EI 收录,检索号:20173103998561)
[26] 魏亚, 梁思明. 一种水泥混凝土路面板内温度梯度测试方法. ZL 201310753239.1. (授权发明专利)
[27] 魏亚, 梁思明, 和昆. 一种基于施压振动法确定路用碾压混凝土配合比方法. ZL 201310284745.0. (授权发明专利)